The 11-plus process can seem incredibly complicated.
What should your child be learning? When should they be learning it? And how can we, as parents teach and support them through this tricky process?
We are incredibly proud to announce that we’ve written an amazing course which will support all parents and carers and their children through the 11-plus process from start to finish. Launching in May 2023 you can be one of the first to How to Discover the Top Action Movies get your hands on all the help and guidance you need to successfully navigate this route to secondary school.
Who’s it for?
This course is perfect for any adults caring for children who are considering the 11-plus tests. Or maybe you’ve already decided to try, and you are trying to work out where to start or how to approach it. It’s great for parents of children in year 5 but there’s no reason you can’t start earlier and get a plan in place with your child in earlier years.
We include the whole process, from how to choose a school, the application processes, help with exam techniques and the best methods for your children to use. Plus, help with mindset and attitude which are incredibly important for children to succeed.
Who are we?
Sabah Hadi is the founder of the 11 Plus Journey (primary school support) & Oxbridge Journey (secondary school support). She came to the UK 14 years ago and worked hard to support her own sons through the 11-plus process. Her two sons got places in QE, a super-selective school in North London and her eldest is now in his first year of studying medicine.
She has since supported hundreds of parents in their journey through the 11-plus journey and the university application process.
The Education Hotel was founded by Jemma Zoe Smith. She took the 11+ and went to Chelmsford County High School for Girls and afterwards to Oxford, reading Biochemistry, masters and PGCE. She now runs The Education Hotel, a company that helps students to achieve their academic goals and love learning.
Each year over 100 students study with The Education Hotel for 11+ and they offer group classes, holiday courses, mock exams, and 1:1 tuition.
Sabah and Jemma have put their experiences and love of teaching together to support parents through what can be a really difficult process. Sabah offers her knowledge and experience as a teacher and parent, and Jemma compliments with her vast experience as a tutor.
Our Course

Over ten information-packed modules, you’ll discover the right way to prepare you and your child for the 11-plus test – and learn how to use them to help your child progress easily through the process.
By the end of this course, you’ll know exactly how to approach the 11 plus and you’ll be able to make a solid plan from the beginning, strategy and mindset, through revision and to the actual exam.
We know how much you have on, so we’ve made the course as simple as possible to work through for busy families. Bite-size modules you can work through at your own pace.
We recommend that you go through the contents of the course and take your own notes. The best thing about it is that you can finish the modules in order or choose a module that is relevant to you.
We recommend that you aim to finish two modules a week.
You can use the free help sheets and recommended resources to consolidate information as you work through it.
What to do next?
You can get your hands on our amazing new course very soon. Keep your eyes on our social channels over the next week and we’ll give you updates. However, if you are raring to go now, fill in this form and you’ll be first in the queue to get your hands on our brand new 11-plus preparation course.
After you’ve signed up, you’ll receive full access to our exclusive members’ area. Full of support and information about all things 11plus related and first access to the course when it launches in May!
This course contains over 3 hours of video alongside notes, information, free guides, worksheets, help sheets and so much more.
The full price of our course is £95 but you can sign up today for the introductory price of only £49.
We’ll also be giving 5 families the chance to get our amazing course for free. If you are in receipt of Universal Credit and free school meals, please get in touch with us today and we’ll give 5 families this course completely for FREE.
Don’t forget our shop is filled with workbooks and practice tests for every subject area your child will need to practice. You can check it out here: