Common Application Form or CAF
Subscribe to Atom Home and receive 10% off your first month CAF, short for Common Application form is the form that you fill for a school place in the UK. For those wanting their child to go from a primary school to a secondary school, this form is to be filled out and submitted […]
Recommended 11 plus physical resources

English Books from Galore Park, Collins and S&S. Available on Amazon: Reading and Comprehension Galore Park Reading and Comprehension Workbook Galore Park Reading and Comprehension 11+ Practice PapersCollins 11+ Practice BooksSchofield & Sims- KS2 Comprehension books InferenceBooks by First Past the PostFirst Past the Post Books 1, 2 and 3 Classic and poetryFirst Past […]
Preparing kids for interviews (e.g. 11+)
Guest blog by Kavin, Founder of KidCoachApp Interviews are a part of life and they are not going away. People hire people, and normally they only have 30 – 60 minutes to figure out if you are a good fit for them. This goes for adults in the workplace, but also for children with certain schools. If […]
How many small cubes can fit into a large one?
Guest blog post – Maths tip- by Muhammad Ali, Founder of ‘Maths & Science Tuition.’ How many small cubes can fit into a large one? The trick is to count tiles or cubes etc. Don’t try to work out one area/volume and divide by the smaller one. That’s ok to use for smaller numbers but […]